Faith's Vegetable and Pollinator Gardens​
The garden at Faith began in 2021 as a shared garden for all of the congregation and community to use. That garden grew into not only a shared garden for the congregation and Swanton community, but the garden became so abundant it was able to help provide fresh vegetables for Salem Lutheran church on the north side of Toledo. Salem Lutheran hosts a meal for the people in their neighborhood every Tuesday.
Faith’s garden grows a variety of vegetables, sunflowers and corn. Each year the contents of the garden changes, but one thing that doesn't change is that it is open to all!
Also growing at Faith is a pollinator prairie. This prairie serves God’s kingdom by providing sanctuary and food for many of God’s creatures including bees, butterflies, birds, frogs, toads and snakes. Partridge Pea, Purple Coneflower, Black Eyed Susan, a variety of milkweed, and some native grasses fill the space. The mix has annual and perennial wildflowers. The annuals provide colors such as yellow, purple, pink and orange in the first couple years while the perennials establish a root system to take over in later years. The prairie takes about 3-5 years to establish itself. Faith began the process in 2021. The shared garden sits next to the prairie benefiting from the pollination of the bees and other pollinators.
Within the prairie there is a walking path for reflection, prayer, or just a nice walk!
Click here to see Faith's Garden feature in The Blade​